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How it all started....

Emmanuel's early beginnings....


​The whole idea behind Emmanuel started with Mara Fraser, better known as Ouma Fraser, who was on a train passing through Krugersdorp when the Lord spoke to her and said that an old age home must be erected here.


In 1982 Mrs. Sannie Smalberger, together with a few other people, drove around Krugersdorp looking for the perfect place and when driving past the property on which Emmanuel currently stands, she immediately said that this is where they must build the old age home.


In 1983 building started with only R316,00 in the bank but through faith the groundbreaking started. In 1985 the foundations were done and the bricklaying started. On 26 October 1986 one fifth of the building was finished and the first people moved in. The personnel at that stage were Theunie and Ann Eysele (founders and first managers), Mrs. Roodt, Joey du Plessis, Dorothy Nelson, Engela Mollett and Claire van der Merwe. There were 42 elderly residing at that stage.


As the whole project was a work of faith from the start, the rest of the plans still had to realize and at one particular stage

R9 000,00 was needed before a certain time. Ann Eysele prayed that weekend profusely, as the money had to be paid that Monday and that Sunday someone who was visiting one of the elderly gave her an envelope with a cheque for R10 000!


In 1990 the existing dining room, kitchen, frail care, etc. were built and in 1992 a part of the current frail care was occupied.


In 1997 the whole building project was completed and was officially inaugurated.


Our lift was sponsored by NLDTF and installed in 2006.


Theunie and Ann Eysele retired January of 2010 and Bertus and Suzanne Booysen took over from them as the managers of Emmanuel. They have been transferred to Jatniël and from 1 March 2018 Jan and Christa Hamilton have taken over as managers.


Cuurently, Emmanuel has 145 residents, 65 paid staff and 30 volunteers. 

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,

according to the power that worketh in us" - Eph. 3:20

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